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Members the Gulf Coast Chapter of DSDCTA are eligible for Year End Awards within the competition year, which is from October 1st of one year to September 30th of the following year. All Levels will be awarded Champion through Sixth Place. Simultaneous competition in multiple divisions (i.e. Adult Amateur and Masters) are not allowed.


All Year-End Awards will be based on a Median Score. When there is an odd number of scores submitted, the median is based on the middle number. When there are an even number of scores submitted, the median is the average of the two middle scores.

Participants must be a GCC member in good standing at the time scores are earned.​


At least one score per award category/level must be earned at a GCC hosted show.

GCC Recognized Divisions:

  • Junior/Young Rider

  • Adult Amateur

  • Masters

  • Open

Participants must volunteer a minimum of 4 hours at any Chapter event.


Buyout option must be completed by 10/15 of the award year.

Competition Award Categories:​

  • Classical Dressage​​

  • Western Dressage​

  • Combined Training/Horse Trial

  • USEA Test-of-Choice

    • (Dressage only)

  • Sport Horse In-Hand​

All scores must be submitted within 30 days of the show date.


No scores and/or corrections will be accepted after 10/15 of the award year.

Special Awards:

  • Gerard Kirsch Memorial Instructor Award

  • Notable Support Person Award

  • Horse of the Year Award

  • Athlete(s) of the Year Awards​​

  • Sportsmanship Award

GCC Logo
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  • Instagram
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